
A lovely day with the grandchildren, but a disaster with an SD card.

We did all sorts today and I took quite a few photographs, only to find tonight that very few of them had actually recorded on the card. I’m sure it is a faulty SD card, as it was one I hadn’t used before. Note to self – try a card out before using!!

Alice’s Emporium

When we were last at Tate Britain in London I found, and just had to buy, a kit for making a shop based on the book the High Street by Alice Melvin. As it was our granddaughter Alice’s birthday soon after and the shop was called Alice’s Emporium, there was no way this could have been left on the shelf.

After a busy day today, I spent a delightful hour with her, putting the shop together. She immediately became totally absorbed in imaginative play with the shop and the characters.

This is one of the very few pictures that I rescued, capturing the concentration.

Here’s another rescued picture showing the actual Emporium.

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