Dear diary

4years 356days

We spent the first part of the morning doing pottering type jobs. She read Curious George Rides to me. I remember a while ago her saying it was too hard. Today it was too easy. She then spent ages in her room, doing writing and doing sticking pictures. She went to church with lydia and Aunty Emma before the two girls stayed with me for lunch. Katie went to church without me as I had to stay in for our landlord. He was here, with his dad, when they returned. They played along quite nicely to the girls' offers of play meals!

Emma and I then took the girls swimming. Katie and I headed off to do some lengths, get her all confident for her first grade 4 lesson. She did the best lengths of breast stroke I have seen her do. After a while (about 16 lengths!!) we went off to play with lydia for a bit. We got dressed and headed to a cake sale/coffee afternoon held by a church friend of ours.

Katie and I were home by 330, having eaten a lot of cake. Yet the first thing Katie wanted when we got in (well, second- jammies are always first!) was for me to make tea. We watched Tangled and then she did her diary.

Her diary is something she instigated. I can't even remember where she saw the concept, but she decided she wanted to write something each day about her day. She has stuck with it for about a week in a notebook so on Friday I bought her a proper diary. She carefully copied all her entries to it and has kept it beautifully since. She is very proud of it! Today she was practicing joining ch, oo and th, which she is meant to join. However she also decided to join quite a few others! She read again at bedtime. This time, she read a book I've heard her read once before. It had quite a few words that tripped her up last time. This time she breezed through it. I am loving seeing how she's just soaking it all up.

That said, for all the big girl, grown up things she's done today, I'm currently writing this on my bed, with her beside me as she wanted to sleep in mamas bed, and have me cuddled to her til she was asleep. And she has then shifted herself in her sleep so that she is in fact using my legs as her pillow right now and looking all little and delicious

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