Saturday shopping

We went to the bric-à-brac shop and bought a few things including a vintage naval(?) blazer which fitted Gwyn like a glove, then Walshie the fisherman called from the harbour to say he'd got me a conger he'd just caught so he nipped up to town in his van and it was mine for a fiver. Weighing about 7lb it should make a few meals, the first one being our supper: marinaded in soy sauce, spices and honey, two steaks were roasted and served with steamed aubergine, sea-beet and rice.
Which seemed a good pay-back for the cost of half an old jacket. Thank you son!

Conger eel, which rejoices in the scientific name of Conger conger, is fairly common but regarded as non-sustainable as a regular catch because it spawns only once in a lifetime. Walshie normally throws them back so this one was unlucky but as a rare treat will be respectfully savoured whenever the rest of it comes out of the freezer.

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