Sports pages
As you can see, TallGirl and MrB were less than enthralled by tonight's basketball match. This was taken at half time, but they both read throughout the first three quarters. In the fourth quarter MrB went outside for some air (it was hot in there and smelt very strongly of sweaty men, but really what do you expect?) TallGirl watched the final quarter, and pronounced it very exciting - but only because she'd finished her book...
It was a very exciting match: tempestuous and closely fought. Mostly I didn't have a clue what was going on, but by the end I had some small grasp of proceedings, thanks in part to some colourful (and one-sided) conversations between a nearby fan and the referees. Unfortunately it also seemed that both referees had forgotten to bring their spectacles, which is a bit of an oversight.
Anyway, Lavaur lost, but I now understand better why TallGirl always used to be particularly tense before matches at Carmaux! CarbBoy, meanwhile was part of the gang that formed the honour guard for the first team, as well as the half time entertainment. It's a shame with all the kids' teams there that the match was so ill-tempered, with a couple of incidents that had the Club President having a quiet word, and the second time a not so quiet word, with the coach about conduct.
Before all that, the day's work was abandoned in favour of lunch outside and a general collapse into the heat of the afternoon. 32 degrees. In October. Madness.
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