Plus ça change...

By SooB

Only photo...

...I took today. CarbBoy has these dictation exercises three times a week. The teacher will read it out in class and the kids have to write it down (without this in front of them of course) without any errors. I think it's quite hard. It's particularly hard for poor CarbBoy when I pronounce things wrong when we're practising (I've learnt now to get TallGirl to give it a quick run through so I know what's going on). I tend to take a photo of Friday's so we can do some lunchtime homework on it.

Today's excitement was finding a rabbit in a hedge. A rabbit that should be in a house, rather than one that should be in a hole in the ground or someone's freezer. We couldn't catch it (though we rather comically tried. I think it was mostly our giggling that put it off) and there was no-one in at any of the nearby houses, so we went home for lunch and to get some lunch for our new friend (apple and some cauliflower leaves - I had no carrots somehow). A lady came by in a car and told us it had been there for five days or so - which made us feel better about it surviving the cold nights we're having just now. I didn't see it on our last journey past that point - though I didn't try very hard to see it for fear TallGirl would insist on bringing it home.

Tonight's lack of excitement is the non-appearance of Mr B. I've lost track of what plane he's supposed to be on. But the one I thought he was on doesn't exist, and if he was on the logical one he'd be home now. With no contact since about 10 this morning, I'm having one of my periodic evenings of worrying about him. I'm sure all is well and I'll hear the door go any minute. I should just ignore my instincts. They're usually rubbish.

I'm off back to busy myself with more curry cooking for tomorrow. And to try and not keep going to the door every five minutes like a lovelorn labrador.

EDIT: He's back - and not dead or anything. I think my (over)reaction when he arrived was a bit of a surprise.

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