Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium

a dangerous development...

Firstly, I don't do wildlife photography.

Secondly, I'd like all those who have fallen over laughing at the fact I called this wildlife photography to pick themselves up off the floor! :)

Yes I know I'm such a city girl, but apart from the odd squirrel the birds in the park are as close as I get to wildlife while I'm working. My knowledge of birds is shameful, considering my best friend is a zoologist doing a PhD on sea birds, but I do know (I hope) that this is a Great Tit. I'm even gonna stick my neck out and say he's male.

The title of this blip refers to the fact that I really enjoyed my five minutes taking snaps of these guys this morning. As you can see by all the blurriness I had to shoot through layers of foliage to see them, because stationary birds at feeders are my limit currently. I don't have a long enough or fast enough lens to do much more. This is the dangerous part, the seed has been sown in my head, that nagging "wouldn't it be great if you had X lens" feeling. Looking at my bank balance, it's a very worrying feeling indeed.

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