
By Indy653

Deux 'Deux Chevaux'

These little models remind me of much loved cars. When we got engaged, Steve bought me a Citreon Dyane - before I had passed my test - and I well remember driving along Great Western Road in Glasgow with a very resilient friend who seemed impervious to the fact that the odd gears were 'a foreign country' to me. Either that or she'd just frozen with fear.

Steve and I once drove our 2 CV all the way to Portugal with Laura and Jody in the back and me heavily pregnant with twins in the front. We parked outside the Prado in Madrid and came back to find all our luggage taken - though the thieves had thoughtfully left our passports and ferry tickets. My first thought was 'Oh, great - no dirty washing!'

When I dropped Jode at Scouts in Fraserburgh in our red and white model some boys asked him why his Mum was driving 'a tin can'. All character forming, I'm sure!

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