Seed catalogue
Last weekend a friend gave me a book with these seeds tucked inside. I read that book in a haze of chuckling in the early toothache days of the week, and the curly kale bookmark was duly transferred to the next book along, which I've just finished. (Us, David Nicholls, which I loved). I'm hoping if I keep the kale close, I will nag myself into prioritising planting it ahead of the ironing and all the other time-stealers.
I managed to summon up enough energy to leave the house today, perhaps inevitably to help Mr B buy building supplies. And, after carefully timed painkiller administration, I made it to a mercifully short school meeting and still had time for pizza and Quantum of Solace back at home.
At the end of the school meeting there were aperos, though the only drinks I saw were fruit juice. I therefore didn't pay much attention when, deep in conversation, a plastic cup of something yellowish and grapefruitish was pushed into my hand. The concentration required for me to have a conversation in French is such that not much brainpower is left over for other activities, so I was most of the way down the drink before the little insistent voice saying 'err, excuse me' at the back of my brain was listened to. "What is this drink?" I asked the folk I was chatting to. "I don't know but it's very strong, my head's spinning already!" one replied...
Oh great. Super strong PTA cocktails to add to the heady mix of drugs already swooshing around inside me. As one who is not averse to a cheeky cocktail or a glass of wine from time to time (stop sniggering you lot) it was disconcerting how sick I felt when I got home. The sooner I get this tooth sorted the better. The antibiotics and virtually liquid diet (I mean soup rather than beer) are having a predictable effect on my constitution. Hopefully soon be back to normal on all fronts...
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