An Early Entrance

Dasher and Prancer had obviously mistaken the date on which to make an entrance for the coming festivity, whose name will not pass my lips.
It is still over two months away and we haven't had Hallowe'een or Guy Fawkes night yet. Even Brer Rabbit was looking stunned at the entrance of the antlers.
I imagine Rudolph and the other reindeer were still lazing about on the tundra in Lapland, in quiet contemplation while Santa Claus was more than likely soaking up the sun in the Maldives, his elves busy at work in some airless Bangladeshi sweat shop.

You may wonder at my boldness in even introducing reindeer at the beginning of October, but believe you me, this is the least offensive diorama on offer. I spared you the shelves of chocolate Santas and snow men, not to mention the cards and tinsel.

Consider yourself fortunate, and thank me.

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