Davids choice

I could nt decide which photo to blip today so this is Davids choice. The seagull was sitting on the harbour wall in Fortrose. It was quite a poser and stayed i n position even though I was really close.

It was a very high tide today so I sat on my usual bench and watched the tide come in. Luckily there was no wind so no large waves going over the wall.
A lady came past with two dogs, one pulling on the lead. It was a twelve week old terrier who was out for the first time after having it's last 'jags'. It was full of fun and she has already eaten through bags and boots :)

Had my monthly blood test this morning. My doctor is so good and it was nt painful at all. He asked how my joints were and I told him they were ok at the moment, 'touch wood'. He was quite chatty today and after writing my previous results in my Yellow card he asked 'So what's on the cards today ?' I hope he meant what was I going to do so I told him I was off for a walk to see the high tide. The English language must be very difficult to understand especially to visitors or anyone with learning difficulties.

The receptionist was having a bad day but it made us all laugh. She called one of the patients over for a 'quiet word' , impossible in a room full of silent patients. She asked, in a whisper that was clearly audible, if the man minded if there was a student present during his appointment as Dr Watmough had one with him today. Looking puzzled he replied ' I'm seeing Dr. Macgregor. Then she said another ladies name and Karen , did she mean me as I was seeing Dr Forth, oh sorry she said. Everyone started to giggle as she eye balled a couple next to me. surely this time she had it right. 'Do you mean us?' they said, she nodded, more laughter but they managed to say that they were seeing Dr Fraser !! Then one man lifted his hand and said 'I'm seeing Dr Watmough !' Luckily the receptionist was seeing the funny side and told him he could have spoken up earlier but did he mind if the student was there ? 'I'd rather they were nt ' he joked ! 'Better than the telly' someone said. 'Hope the doctors having a better day' said another !

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