
By Grimsayer

Amazing image

What I hear you say - looks like a boring pile of stones. Well it is a pile of stones although I would say in interesting one - an archaeological site Tricia and I found in the Spring that has heads scratching.
The amazing thing however is how the image was created. I went out to the site and took 70 shots randomly of the area trying to take images from as many different angles as possible. Then downloading a program called agisoft (free version thereof) all you do is upload the images and after going through two processes that just require the pressing of one button - albeit taking an hour's worth of processing time - it puts all the images together and makes a 3D model of the site that you can rotate and spin to your heart's content. This was just a screen shot of that model. It comes across as an aerial photo but all the images were taken from the ground...
Spooky really to see a 3D object come off the screen. Buying a 3D printer now and model making has become easy. Do try it on anything as long as it isn't moving - it couldn't be simpler.

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