Jess @ Jesus

By jessatjesus

First Quad

Jesus College is located in the centre of Oxford and I have been loving just how central it is for everything. It's extremely easy to go shopping, reach the clubs (relatively), and it's not such a far walk to the department or library either. It was founded in 1571 by Elizabeth I.

Today seemed like a busy day in terms of practicalities and introductions, as we had an Undergraduate Admissions Ceremony whereby we received a welcome and then got to shake the Principal's hand and sign in the college book. Afterwards we proceeded to the lecture theatre in Ship Street for a practicalities induction. We also had an Introduction to Studying at Oxford by the Academic Director. I won't say it was a shock to me because I was most definitely aware of how much work I'm about to have over the next 3 years but we were given some tips and guidelines. It's recommended that we do at least 40 hours a week of work so act as if our degree is our full time job, pretty standard advice even if it does seem like a lot at the moment I am sure it will be easily manageable to spend so much time working. I also had meetings with the Welfare Officer (she's also Chaplain) and the Academic Director so had a pretty busy day.

In terms of the JCR (Junior Common Room) side of things, we had speed meeting which I really enjoyed as it provided us with a further chance to meet more of our year and have some conversation with them. The Fresher's Committee also hosted an American style Frat Party prior to the foam party at Junction. A very fun evening even though walking home in foam can be quite cold!

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