Jess @ Jesus

By jessatjesus

First Formal

Moving in day! Rather a hectic day to be honest and quite tiring, with so much to do. It's crazy how long it can take to unpack or organise things to the way you want, and I'm sure things will be moved over the course of the term as I begin to properly settle into my room.

To start, the weather was atrocious. The complete opposite to yesterday's sunshine. Pouring down with rain - did the Geordie bring the weather with her? I was greeted at the Porter's Lodge by some of the Fresher's Committee who gave me a whole load of information and I collected my keys and parking permit from the porter before driving around to Ship Street to unload, since it was closer to staircase 18.

After unpacking and trying to sort out my room, there was a 'Meet Your Staircase' event which was nice as there is lots of us on Staircase 18 - plenty of names to remember.

Second and third years who also did Geography (and other respective subjects did the same) took us to the Red Lion for a few drinks prior to the formal dinner. It was a really nice and informal way to start getting to know not only the freshers but also the other years that are doing Geography, and they are all so friendly!

Formal dinner then followed, which for me was a brand new experience, and quite bizarre...the dinner begins with a grace in Latin and everybody is dressed smartly and it is a really lovely experience, just a bit different! The photo is of hall, which is where we have all of our meals. Might take some getting used to when it seems such a grand setting.

After formal dinner we changed clothes and went out to Wahoo for our first night of Fresher's Week! It was fantastic, slightly different to Newcastle (a comment I am completely justified to say because of my vast experience in Newcastle) and I had so much fun.

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