
By IntothewildMan

Light at the end of the....

Garden Shed, or tunnel, as the case may has been a time of some change and some degree of chaos...lots of computer, internet and printer problems... the software to download images from my camera has somehow stopped working (how did I do that?)... and autumn has arrived on its coolness and dampness...
Should've gone to Specsavers maybe? After many years of wrestling with the nuisance of wearing glasses as my eyesight has weakened with age, i finally went and enquired about contact lenses. Various people had told me that contacts are not
really suitable for longsightedness in older age. So I accustomed myself to living in the two and a half dimensions that spectacles create, a flattened world behind a window. But I have always railed against it...felt the loss of a fuller connection with "the world out there" through my eyes.
Anyway after an assessment with a very friendly Irish optician and a lengthy teaching session from a patient and kind young woman on how to insert and remove the lenses, I was finally presented with my very own trial pair of contacts...
Today for the first time I was out for a bike ride in a world undistorted at the periphery, in a sunny interlude between the showers...what a blessing!

Now, time to tackle a few of those computer problems...

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