my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie

In then out

Spent most of the day in.
The plumber came round at 10am. I expected the job to take about half an hour, it always being a simple things that can be fixed nice and quickly. Turns out it took several hours to sort. while he was off getting a tool from a colleague, Dex and I took the opportunity to go for a quick stroll round the park before being summoned back to the house to discover the plumber had sorted it. Hooray! a day without a washing machine in our house is a day too long.

Sam's mum came round after work and we looked at some of the photos from her birthday photoshoot session. It's so hard to make any kind of decisions!
Sam and I ran out the door as soon as Dexter was asleep and met Dan and Aisha down at the Hanging Bat for some lovely beer and chat.
We returned home to find Dexter asleep in his granny's arms on the sofa. He'd woken again not long after we left and wouldn't go back in his cot (as is his current m.o.).

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