Fifty Years

Fifty years ago today, I became a mother for the first time.
Daughter#1 entered the world with the midwife's words, ' It's a wee red headed lassie'.
In an instant my life was changed for ever.

Despite 9 months getting used to the idea of motherhood, the impact was total.
I remember being in tears as I carried her home, wondering how on earth I could possibly shoulder the burden of nurturing this fragile life for the next 18years; gone were the midwives to give a helping hand, she was all my responsibility now.

Such was my thinking then. I never realised that 18 years was just the start, and that half a century on, I would still feel a responsibility. Once a mother, always a mother.

I am proud of her and the person she has become -strong, reliable and creative.
I couldn't have asked for more.

So happy birthday, Sally, you have enriched my life beyond measure.

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