Happy balance

Hectic day today. Knew my timings were tight between meetings and childcare so it needed careful planning!

Worked at The Hello Hub at the Old Granada Studios in the morning which was great. It's a new space for entrepreneurs and freelancers in the city and at the moment it's free (there's probably a master plan afoot though!)

Squidge woke up in an amazing mood. So happy and content so was no bother for Mum and Dad.

I rushed home after a meeting over lunch (the lunch was so horrible the guy I was meeting and I had to leave it!) and grabbed a quick sandwich before a client conference call in my home office. I didn't manage to eat it so had to stare longingly at it on my desk for an hour while my stomach rumbled on the call!

Squidge and I then spent a blissful few hours together just playing and chatting until bathtime and Angus's return. Loving motherhood (and work) at the moment. Long may this happy balance continue....

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