
By cowgirl

Mono Monday: Shadows

Shadow and his shadow.

Had big plans for my first attempt at the mono challenge. What is it they say, never work with animals or children ... So this was the best I could get.

Arfa had another appointment with the vet today. His eye seems to be healing so we're just to continue with the drops we've got and go back next week, hopefully to show her it's healed. I don't know what I'll do with my time once I'm not applying 3 types of drops, 30 mins apart, every 4 hours!

Weather wise, it's been a mixed day. Thrashed it down with rain, accompanied by high winds, for the first half of the day, and then whilst I was at work, the sun came out.

Shame about the weather as next door have gone down to Cornwall for the week. We're on cat duty, along with one set of their parents. An extra cat to worry about, as he though he's bigger, he has also been attacked by the new neighbourhood thug!

Our vet bill is up to about £180 so far. Lucky for Arfa we love him to bits!

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