
Firstly I was going to Blip my Iron as that's all I seem to do at weekends but FatBob got there first. En route to the kitchen these shelves caught my eye. After 14 months in this house I have never realised how full to the brim they are - full of pointless pots and plates. Pots and plates that we never use may I add (well I don't think we do anyway). No offence to anyone ho has come to dinner here but I'm told they are for 'important occasions'. We haven't had any important occasions (other than the ceremony when I announced my retirement from football and we had kebabs. Kebabs are not allowed on these plates apparently...). There is a tea pot up there - never been used. A cake tin - never been used. Salt & pepper pots - never been used.

I may clear these shelves out tomorrow and put my trophies up or better still pictures of Rose and Stenson...

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