Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Have you ever seen or written your name so many times it doesn't feel like your name anymore? That it's just a bizarre arrangement of letters on a page that some how rules over your life.

Sometimes I really hate my name. The spelling is ridiculous and its generally just an odd name anyways. And other times I love it. No one ever forgets me, and it's quite unusual really and so am I. I like to think with all the appointments and things I go to and if they go home to whoever and they talk about their day, they go 'Oh and there's Brighde, she's a character'. Because I think I'd say that about me if I was meeting me too.

Names are weird yet widely appropriate. I quite like the idea of someone hundreds of thousands of years ago who just though, 'How am I going to remember these people?' and figured they would give them names to remember them by. And how it seems more of a statement than a requirement.

These are just some of things that baffle me on a daily basis.

Happy Blipping.

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