Just a Touch of Color

I was hoping it wouldn't happen, but it has. I'm supposed to leave for my hike on Sunday, and I've caught Lisa's cold. I'm feeling pretty crappy, and I hope it doesn't turn into a man-cold.

Knowing that we both felt bad (she's much worse), Lisa pointed out the pretty rising sun. I dropped her off at work, and went down to the local Catholic church.

Too late. The picture taking moment had passed. Instead, I snapped the old church tower.

I can't look at the old church tower without thinking about my basketball coaching career. The gym was below the tower. I coached the 7th and 8th graders when I was 25 or 26. For two years, in which we didn't win one game. Zero, nada, zilch. 0 for two...two years. Looking back, perhaps I didn't know as much as I thought I did...about basketball, and about life.

Enough of that. I'm sucking down some Airborne, trying to tame the cold. I MUST PACK! I MUST PACK!

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