
By gquandel

Happy Goodbye Cake

This was a cake my Mam Joy and I enjoyed on the same day. The cake was for her birthday, but also to bid me farewell before my 3 week exchange program in Germany. When we sang “Happy Birthday,” we also tacked on “And goodbye gabby” on the end of the song. It was bitter sweet because I was excited to visit Germany but also sad that I would not see my family for three weeks. The whole day was spent celebrating and being with my family. My Mam Joy turned 86 so I tried to focus on that instead of knowing I wouldn’t be home for 3 weeks. It was also on this day that I taught my grandparents how to use Skype. Teaching my technologically challenged Pap how to use a cell phone was challenging enough. Now he had to learn how to work a complex computer program. He didn’t understand why I couldn’t just call him every night. Thankfully my Gram was a quicker study. Next I had to explain that they could only call me when I had Wi-Fi access. I don’t know if you have ever tried to teach two 65 year olds about Wi-Fi, but it is a challenge. Once everything was sorted out, the rest of the happy birthday/ goodbye party went smoothly.

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