When it is turning north-westerly inland, we often get a brisk north-easterly wind here on the coast. It can be surprisingly cold. It wasn't all that nice outside first thing this morning, but later on the wind died, and we had a lovely, warm afternoon/evening.
I was hoping for a nice sunset, but there was too much cloud in the west. So the decision I had to make today was whether to post this in colour or black and white. I couldn't really decide, but the mono seemed to stand out best as a thumbnail, so I'm going with that.
You may have seen one or two of these cabbage trees before. They are growing near the bottom of our garden, with the gondola on Mt Cavendish in the background. Cabbage trees (Cordyline australis) are native New Zealand monocotyledons (like grasses), that the experts have had difficulty classifying. They must have been placed in a record number of different families at different times, and I've lost touch with where they finally (if it is a final decision) ended up.
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