Desert Squirrel

By PolS

Stormy sunrise

The weather was brilliantly timed this morning, as the southerly storm came in just on sunrise. Unfortunately my camera was not so well prepared. The contacts decided not to work, so as the first drops of rain fell, I removed the lens and polished them to get the electrons to flow again. Of course this meant I missed some of the action, and the settings were hit and miss. I failed to capture the fleeting rainbow at its best, and felt out of control to say the least.

However, I did get something morning, but not now so confident in this lens. It is probably because I use it the most, but last year the diaphragm jammed open, and I had to get it fixed. I've had the same problem as today on a couple of previous occasions, but fortunately then there was plenty of time to capture my shot. it is raining solidly now, so I'm glad I went out when I did.

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