Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Ready and Waiting

Last day of the Project Management Forum and I didn't have as early a start, but I did get out of bed much before the alarm as I wanted to put my camera kit in the new camera bag I bought yesterday; in fact, I nearly blipped it today - all filled up with my kit! Another time...

I was able to get to my desk at 10:45 this morning, which was a real bonus. Think I've nearly cleared the backlog...

And tonight... I went to the tailor and brought my jacket home! It has been completely re-worked but still not 100% so the manager has offered to start right from scratch. I chose an off-white fabric. Too tired at the moment from 3 very early nights so huge apology for not commenting the last few days.

My blip is of the red carpet scene that greeted the attendees to the event. I love the valet guys all lined up. They stood for hours! Nearly the weekend for us... :D

I wanted to blip the second large scale project model that was on display - of the proposed new green energy i.e. solar. I love the fact that the clean energy will be produced on site on a solar farm (I guess) and then brought to your home via the grid!! So glad we don't have to go out and buy solar panes for the roof (not that we have roofs as such).

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