
By lauramary

Members arrive

Today was the real beginning of the camp as members arrived. I have done some work and also had some nice time with Amy and Bibs and their respective babies, but struggled in some times of uncertainty. God provided well for me though. As soon as Amy had to go, Bibs arrived and this evening a similar thing happened again. That helps me feel less guilty about taking breaks. There are lots of things you could sign up to do and I guess it is hard to keep saying no.

I had some anxious wobbles about related and unrelated matters, but have just about survived the day. In fact, at times I was surprised how ok I was coping. My dorm leader even said no one would know I was struggling. That was nice as an answer to the prayer that I wouldn't feel like the left out leader. Although maybe I'm not ill..???

I feel pretty emotionally drained now and am a little apprehensive about tomorrow. God will keep providing though.

One thing that has been cropping up is feeling fat and comparing myself to the thinness of my dorm. But I must keep flattening the ladder. My identity is in CHRIST.

We chatted in dorm time and the matter of writing to MPs came up. Katie nicely linked this into the fact MPs may not give us answers but God does what is best for us and we can pray knowing he will listen to us!

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