Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

Magic Day

What a beautiful day today - lovely sunshine and crisp snow. And it was good that when out walking Dimairt, I met folks from the village out walking their dogs, too. Some of them I hadn't spoken to this year - it was good to catch up. Dimairt liked catching up on the dogs too.

There was one villager, though, who broke this happy mold. When I smilingly said hello to him he just blanked me. It may or may not have had something to do with a prang which our 2 cars had a couple of years ago. It was written off as a "tit for tat" as it happened between passing places, but I knew that his insurance company wanted me to take all the blame. Some say that he is shy; sorry, but he was downright rude this afternoon.

It did not spoil the day in any way.

A lovely Sunday.

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