Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Moving in

I had imagined struggling up five sets of stairs and squashing things in to the tiny lift but now I know how it is done! I got up early and prepared for today's walk. I then collected my emails only to discover that because Meteo France gave an orange alert for rain today, the walk was cancelled. I looked out at the cloudless sky and wondered if the organiser had glanced out of the window! It had promised to be an interesting walk so it was a shame it was cancelled. Needless to say it has not rained all day! I took the opportunity to catch up with some jobs and organised a meeting with a heating engineer to check the viability of an free central heating system that might be moveable from a redundant block of flats to the church. In the afternoon I made three batches of makrouts. They beat Kendal's mint cake as energy food on hikes!

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