The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


Bomble woke me at 6 45, as he is wont to do, and I went back to sleep, starting awake at 7 55, realising I had a bus to catch at 8 45! In the end, Steve drove me to the bus station. The bus was ten minutes late!

Eileen and I and another climber, Steve, had a good climb, and bumped into a parent one of whose sons goes to the school that I work at, and another of whom goes to school with Eileen's daughter! Had a good natter, and eventually their two climber- children came and joined us. Back in Stroud, I picked up my sister's glasses (she lost them last week, but amazingly they are now found) and bumped into another friend, Kat the Hat, who is German and now lives in Munich, where she teaches Ukelele! She is staying in the road where I live, so said she'll drop in.

After that, I went back to the Ale House, the sessions bar, and listened to the twiddling and fiddling, and discussed the festival (it's lost money both years). My friend Angela joined me, then at the bar we bumped into Keith, who runs the Stroud life drawing group, for whom I model some times. It was wonderful to see him in mufti, with his wife, and we ended up chatting for half an hour or so, before all walking home together (they live nearby), By this time, it was half past four and I tipped back into bed, seeing as CleanSteve was already there, asleep!

I'm awake now, but only just! Might be time to go back to bed soon. My blip shows Keith at the bar in Stroud's wonderful Ale House, CAMRA pub of the year in our region.

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