A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Happy things

No idea how this has happened but it is 10.45pm on A Friday night and I appear to just be finishing work. To be fair I did stop work for 3 hours this afternoon to do school pick-up, feed the kids and ferry them between drama and football. And watched J score three fine goals and his team win their five-a-side match. So it is with good reason. Also partly due to my brain only actually processing this afternoon that this is my last work day before I fly to Ohio on Sunday. A very large part of me really doesn't want to go and I think I have been a little in denial about it. But there are much worse things people have to do and whilst I will miss everyone it will probably be fun when I get there and I will soon be back.

And before that there is a whole lovely Saturday to be had.

I have a random collection of photos on my phone from today including some lovely bowls I was coveting in a shop. But this is the happiest shot, taken for grandma (apparently this is his "grandma smile") so here is my boy and his new badge.

Lesley x

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