Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

Fall is on the way. And a heart shaped cloud.

Walked for an hour today, down toward the Hollywood neighborhood, I don't go that direction very often. Lots of squirrels busy stashing food, and there were some clever crows* knocking apples out of a tree which was entertaining to watch. I met two very pretty and timid cats on the way too, they ran out from under a parked car and up the slope of someone's front yard and peered at me from a safe distance, I noticed each had an ear tipped which means they're feral but have been 'fixed' and are being cared for by people in the area as part of a trap-neuter-return program.


* The crows have been putting various bits of gleaned food in the bird bath in the garden, I think they soak it in there so it's easier to eat, there were bits of bread floating in the water this morning.

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