Look at the size of this???

So there we were…………………… just strolling down this path when suddenly Ann screamed, ‘Molly MOVE. Get out of the way!’ Well I didn’t have a clue what I’d done wrong. I immediately stopped and looked at her and she just kept shrieking, ‘Molly MOVE. Get out of the way’.

Then I looked down…………… and there was a snake underneath me. And not just any old snake. Ann’s pretty sure that this is an adder???

I was rooted to the spot so Ann grabbed hold of my collar and pulled me away. And then she took a photograph for Blipping purposes.

She thought the snake might be dead ‘cos it wasn’t moving but then it moved its head.

And then a man came along the path and Ann said, ‘There’s an adder there but I think it might be dead. Do dead adders move their heads? The man stamped his feet and the snake slithered away. So it obviously wasn’t dead.

Phew………………… That was SCARY!!!!!!

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