An afternoon with Charlotte

We have just spent a lovely afternoon with our friend Charlotte. I am Charlotte's favourite dog in the whole wide world!

First we went to the 'Watermill' where the humans had a very yummy lunch.

When we were leaving Charlotte spotted a jar of dog biscuits next to a sign that said, 'Help yourself'. So she helped herself and took one so that I could have a little snack on my walk. Ann hardly ever takes little snacks for me to eat on my walks. I really, really like Charlotte.

Then we walked the coastal path back to St Ives which was about 4 miles.

Charlotte has never been on a walk with me before. I showed her how speedy I am at running, I showed her how good I am at swimming and wallowing in water, and I showed her how clever I am at finding stinky things on the beach to roll on top of.

I could tell that Charlotte was very impressed by everything I could do. And when we stopped to admire the view Charlotte gave me my biscuit. At first I didn't want to eat it because I'd heard Ann telling Charlotte that I was a fat, chunky collie who didn't need treats on my walk. I get a bit upset when Ann comments on my weight. But then Ann said, 'Molly you're not really fat. I just don't want you to get fat. One biscuit will not harm you. If you don't want it I'm going to feed it to the seagulls'. Well, no way did I want the seagulls to have it so I gobbled it up.

When we got back to St Ives we all had a rest at the 'Porthminster Beach Cafe'. And then it started to rain - but that was OK because it had stayed dry for most of our walk.

Thank you Charlotte for a lovely afternoon. Lets do it again soon.

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