
By kevinG

Change Essay

Woke up and took a shower.

Ate breakfast.

Watched Beauty and the Beast in Drama.

Walked home.

Went to Crossfit. Cassie was there.

Split Jerk:
“Tabata Yo Mama”
Tabata Intervals of:
Air Squats (113)
Squat Jumps (80)
Lunges (80)
Split Lunge Jumps (80)
Tabata intervals (20 seconds work/10 seconds rest x 8 rounds) for each exercise, with NO break between exercises.
Score is the total reps from all four stations. (353)

My legs were dead after. I hope that I don't lose my legs one day because then that sentence would become ironic.

Took a nap.

Went to an SAT information meeting at the high school with Mom.

Went with Mom and met Dad at Thom Thom. We ate dinner together.

Back to Old Mill. Did an essay for History (rough draft pictured).

Going to bed now.


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