
By kevinG

The Shining

Woke up and took a shower.

Ate breakfast.

Quiz in Science.


Sub in Drama. Played the Bachelor Game then Freeze. Fire drill somewhere in the middle there.

Test in Math. I think I did really well.

Got our cameras in Photo and loaded them with film! Finally taking them home.

Stayed after for Movie Club and watched The Shining. It was really well done.

Dad picked me up from school. We went to Smashburger to eat.

Park. Watched Big Bang Theory.

Dad drove me to Crossfit.

Handstand Push-up
2 Rounds For Time:
10 Leg Raises to L Hangs from Dead Hang
15 Push-ups
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
15 Push-ups
15 Pull-ups
15 Push-ups

Back to Park. Big Bang Theory. Tosh.

Dad dropped me off at Old Mill because his cleaning people are coming and I don't want to wake up early tomorrow with no school.

Happy New Year!


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