Another grotty night.....

Wom was unsettled in the night. It's possibly not as bad as I think, but I am just so conscious of him not waking Charlotte. In the end we slept in the spare bed for about an hour together, then came back into our bed where he slept in his bed. I've not given him any food today, just in case it's that. He's fine in himself, has guzzled milk like it's going out of fashion today so who knows what tonight will bring.

Nursery run completed, popped to morrisons. Whoever designed the trolleys with the car seat basket on them was definitely not 5,2! Think I took out several grannies, one grandad and the ankles of some young whipper snapper shop worker! Opps!

Home, hour in front of telly followed by trip to post office, petrol station, collected something secret from one shop and then another secret from another shop.

Home, we somehow both fell asleep on the sofa, opps, really need to work harder at putting Wom to bed during the day.

Collected Munchie moo, tired, said me not like big tots, me got no friends here, all Charlotte friends up Pippins I nearly cried. Went to the office and talked to the girls and they will start her settling sessions the following week.

Bath / shower / amusing moments completed. Charlotte is getting really good at the alpha blocks game on the cbeebies playtime app.

Bed zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Pics are cuddles once home, then feet cuddles! Wom looking cute and Charlotte washing her hair

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