
Grotty night #2. I am pretty sure she is having a very rough time with her teeth as she won't let me anywhere near her mouth, not even for bonjela, is very dribbly and very snotty. Took her to nursery, she babbled all the way there shouting moo, baa and meowww, very cute to say the least. Got the dreaded phone call at 3:30 to say she was unwell! Rang the doctors and then went and collected her. She had had two stinky loose nappies, which thinking upon, I think could be connected to the Calpol / nurofen we gave her in the night. She was also quite chesty which we had noticed last night. Full examination at the doctors and chest ears throat all clear. Charlotte dutifully demonstrated her wheezy cough and although there is nothing there to be causing it such as infection we have been given an inhaler to try and help sort the wheezy cough out a little. She's just been an absolute monkey to get to bed so I think as long as her night is ok and we have no more stinky nappies she will be back to nursery in the morning, daddy is working from home so if needed can go and collect. Pile of marking for me then bed!

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