Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Nice weather for ducks.

I needed to get more milk and as The Boy is on an overnight tonight, I couldn't make him get up early to go for it for me. That meant only one thing. I'd have to drag my plague-filled self, down the stairs and out to the shop. I figured as it was a beautiful sunny day, a little stroll and some fresh air might help the cold bugs clear out of my system so I grabbed some duck bread and walked up to the canal. Unfortunately I had to shoot in to the sun most of the time so the shots weren't great.

Sometimes I just can't chose a shot so when that happens, I get The Boy in to help. Normally he picks one and it makes me realise I actually really liked a different one so he gets a "that's nice dear but I'm using this one". Today I let him have his choice and as it was my favourite of the female mallards I decided I'd use it. We both really liked the little starburst of sun on its beak. My other choice was this one

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