Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

When honey isn't honey.

Last night with my plague addled brain, I decided that I better put in an internet grocery order as there was no way I was going to be feeling up to going out to do shopping. Well, that was all well and good. At least with internet shopping the ingredients are nice and accessible.

Well I ordered some honey but honey's just honey right, no need to read the ingredients, just look for the picture of a squeezy bottle and add it to the basket. Aparently it's not that simple. They now put lemon in honey. I mean, seriously, WHY!?! I didn't bother to check the honey they'd substituted because as I thought, honey's honey, so I didn't notice the mistake until too late. Thankfully though the substituted one had a nice clear picture of a lemon on it so I avoided eating it.

Fair enough, that one was kind of my mistake for not clicking on the product info but then they substituted 2 packs of lamb for one pack, what use is that. The only consolation being the person who was supposed to come for dinner also has the plague so we've postponed.

Sorry, my posts will become more positive once I'm over this cold/flu thing. Backblipped to tuesday earlier today.

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