
By LadyPride

"Swimming tutu"

We woke up to the End of the World basically. Audrey up crying and inconsolable at 6am. Thunder, lightning and torrential rain outside our room. Angus and I were exhausted, snapping at each other. And it was doom, doom, doom....

Finally we all drifted back to sleep and someone must have been smiling down on us because at 9.30am as we made our way out to breakfast feeling more refreshed, the sky turned blue and the sun came out.

Breakfast was followed by swimming in the pool for hours. Audrey with her inflatable ring (or "swimming tutu" as it was renamed) going in and out hundreds of times and splashing. She was joined by a lovely little Italian boy and his collection of toy cars. They played happily together which was a joy to watch.

She wore herself out though and both her and Angus slept for two hours until 5pm while I managed to catch a few rays between clouds and read my book.

Tapas by the pool for tea, swimming and then a family bath. We haven't left the hotel today after yesterday's travelling. Angus is still absolutely shattered from working so hard lately and he has napped lots today. Am leaving him to it as I can see he needs to recuperate. Audrey has been my little shadow, following me everywhere and chattering away.

Hoping it stays dry tomorrow so that we can venture a bit further on the island!

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