Offcumden Cal

By Cal

A poultry little thing

Attended my first Poultry show this evening as the friend who shows Serama chickens was stewarding. From the off I was smitten, first with the most gorgeous coloured runner ducks - black with an amazing green/blue sheen and this breed lays black shelled eggs. I would pay good money for those. There was then a series of huge and tiny birds brought out for judging, the Light Sussex won the best in show, and it was a beaut, with lots of presence (honest). Then there was the egg judging a thing in itself with a judge manfully cracking many many eggs with a clever gadget made just for that purpose. It was all done to the soundtrack of some very noisy Caller Ducks which made up for volume what they lacked in stature.
The judge and the participants were very patient with me bobbing up and down the rows taking photos. I particularly liked the look of disgust on this hen's face as she undergoes the indignity of the judging process.

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