Batsford Arboretum

We had a very disturbed night last night as an all night rave started up in the land behind our campsite and continued until 9am. I kid you not, this was LOUD and thumping away continuously through the night. It turned out to be a party being held in a scrapyard (don't ask). Anyway Technophobe and I were pretty bleary eyed as we packed up this morning. The pub that owned the campsite was really apologetic and wouldn't charge us for the stay although it wasn't their fault.

We headed back home via the Rollright Stones (a bit like Castlerigg) and Batsford Arboretum. Technophobe has blipped the stones (stand by for jokes from CoffeePotter about being stoned at the rave) and I took this rather pleasing view of the house at Batsford. The colours are just beginning to come out and should be brilliant in a few weeks. We will probably go down to Westonbirt. As we are friends of Westonbirt we get free entry to both places.

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