Carnforth Station

Today's the day ........................ for a brief encounter

This is where we had lunch today - in the Refreshment Rooms of Carnforth Station.

They are almost exactly the same as they were when David Lean's film of Noel Coward's story Brief Encounter was filmed here back in 1945. It's such a wonderfully sad film starring the incomparable Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard. If you haven't ever watched it - you can find it here.

Just watch a few minutes of it anyway and you will see the Refreshment Rooms - and the big clock at the top of the underpass which is exactly as it was in the film too. Trains still go through the station - but apart from the occasional special steam one - they are all modern and very fast.

Give me the romantic, smokey steam trains any day - grit in the eye and all ....................

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