On Ilkley moor...

Wheear 'ast tha bin sin' ah saw thee, ah saw thee?
On Ilkla Mooar baht 'at
Wheear 'ast tha bin sin' ah saw thee, ah saw thee?
Wheear 'ast tha bin sin' ah saw thee?
On Ilkla Mooar baht 'at
On Ilkla Mooar baht 'at
On Ilkla Mooar baht 'at

At a party, sometime during the academic year 1972-73. In Geneva. Far too much red wine. One of the things I remember is singing raucously with a member of the Faculty who was a German Zoologist, later to attain a significant international reputation. He had a wonderful "Allo, allo" type accent. And this was his favourite British song....

"Vair has du bin sinz I saw zee....."

Good days, Gerd von Wahlert!

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