Deep in the Forest

Nothing stirred. Well we (The Boss and ME) were not actually in the forest but he had seen this lighting in there and had dragged me through a bush and other stuff, being attached to his belt, asyoudo, to get a suitable shot.
This followed quite a busy day where the lawns got mowed, I hid inside, some gardening got done, I sorta helped, and we went for a Blipathon. I have to point out that a Blipathon is often NOT a Blatathon as The Boss is usually more concerned about light than sticks and general mayhem. Right!
Anyway better go as we are having friends round to watch a program as their new TV wont. Everything works except the TV reception bit. So there is a world of programs available but not local broadcasts. No loss says The Boss.
It is probably going to be boring ‘Cos The Boss said it was a Porno program ……..about an election……and laughed a lot. I need to check out why this was funny. Sometimes I think he is a bit weird?

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