Edmonton Morning
First a note from The Boss
He has decided to reset his camera to Canada time so if you have missed us for a day that is the reason….OK?
This is the view out our hotel window this morning. The shot is not actually out the window 'Cos it had a filter on the glass and needed cleaning too
so The Boss went out on to the patio from the dining area and found the door locked behind him. A text message to The Bossess who was not paying attention got him and ME back inside.
We went to the West Edmonton Mall yesterday and WOW. I only saw 1 other dog (except for the huge pet shop) and it was a seeing eye model, but the Mall was pretty amazing by NZ standards with a skating rink full of very competent skaters and a performing Sea Lion and a boat harbour with remote control boats for little and bigger kids and lots and lots and lots of shops which really bothered The Bossess as there was only 1 day to get round them. This place gets seriously cold in the winter so all the retail buildings look like nothing outside and arre amazing inside altho even the locals talk of lowering winter temps.
This is the 4th largest Mall in the world and Edmonton has been a surprise to us in this respect. The city is spacious with trees everywhere and the economy runs on oil so seems to be going nicely.
Our friend Diana arrives later today and we head for the Parks tomoro.
River trip?
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