Food wasn’t going to be an easy blip for me today, so I dismissed the idea and went for a walk round the garden instead.

Saw this snail on my yellow daisy and boy, was it munching!! I watched entranced, as it pulled the petal into its mouth and chomp, chomp, chomp.

So here is my contribution for FOODY FRIDAY in the 1001 Blips Challenge - Mr. HCB isn’t keen on having snails in the garden, but I guess if they are eating the petals on my flowers, they are leaving his vegetables alone - well, that’s the theory, but as we all know, it often doesn’t work out like that in practice!

This is an interesting thought:

The spiral in a snail's shell
is the same mathematically
as the spiral in the Milky Way galaxy,
and it's also the same mathematically
as the spirals in our DNA.
It's the same ratio that you'll find
in very basic music
that transcends cultures
all over the world.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt

There was a baby snail on the flower too - have a look in my Blipfolio here.

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