A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Don't smile!

Well he could have done as they are for his new school medical record now he has to take an inhaler in to school. But I think he wanted to keep his hand in for future passport shots. It seems a bit of a palaver given he will probably only have the inhaler for 2 weeks but I do understand why the school has to do this and for once I am playing ball happily.

The working part of the day was focused on a creative project, my favourite sort and probably an okay result for so far but I forget how very non linear the process is and it has all felt a little like pulling teeth. All par for the course, I just wish I remembered that's how it goes and set my expectations better.

The kids both had fab piano lessons and we had fun reading Greek myths this evening. Though possibly most fun for me when J said one of his friends has Hermes and I slightly misheard! Turns out they have each been given a Greek God to research.

And I'm trying not to be nervous about tomorrow. I fear trouble either way.

We should smile while we can.

Lesley x

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