A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Last day for this Boston Girl

Today was an Amazing Race, a fascinating talk from Professor Mike Roberto whose research specialism is why ventures fail and included discussions from Everest to the Cuban Missile Crisis via Pixar and GM. I've worked with lots of articles and case-studies he has written and led a very cool teamwork simulation based on an Everest expedition he co-created but have not previously met him. He is a bit of a legend in our community and having seen him in action deservedly so: a huge amount of energy and passion and wisdom. And humility which is a perhaps surprisingly fine quality in a speaker. He presented / talked / led a discussion for 2.5hours and it flew by. Then some quirky museum trips for the teams and back to the funky Ngin workspace we were camped in for the day for a final debrief and departures. These people are a fascinating, curious, "wicked smaaht" (as apparently the locals say) group and I am very lucky to get to work with them on this event. Not to mention the joy of working with my NYC associate. So a great trip and happy days for me. Finished off with time for a wander around Harvard Square in the evening sun, a bite to eat in a local bar and a quick visit to the Harvard Book Store for a good airport read as for some (or no) reason I had packed my book.

About to board and hopefully sleep my way to London. And to assess, regroup and put into action some of the plans we have been remotely discussing over the last few days. I in no way would choose long distance partnering or parenting, though to find a positive there is some helpfulness from a perspective with distance.

Carl's turn for Boston in a couple of weeks; we must get better at co-ordinating our trips. Or just fitting in a trip for all of us. It's been a great trip and I'm seen some things it would be hard to get access to in the normal run of things and met some great people. And there lots I didn't see. A great taster trip.

And now boarding and home...

Lesley x

EDIT: I got my first ever upgrade!!!!!!! Did I say happy days already??

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