A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Back last night to a cold rainy London and made it in time for rehearsal despite various law-breakers trying to stop me*. Excellent rehearsal and all progressing very well. Haven't blipped a rehearsal yet (possibly because I'm supposed to be busy doing other things there) but I will soon. Today's blip is production related as this discarded, broken umbrella will now be a much wanted and needed part of our props box. Am so painfully British sometimes that I had to make myself go back and get it, as there were, you know, people around, and they might see me and think that I am a dirty vagrant who steals old umbrellas out of muddy puddles on the pavement. And then where would that leave me?

Anyway, I did go back and pick it up but I had to draw the line at blipping it in situ (standards, you know) so here it is on my back patio.

The sun is shining so after a little work (am suffering post-holiday-itis) may take a wander down to the river. A friend down there is having a large piece of glass craned over their house to replace a leaking part at the back and the neighbours have formed a lynch mob so I'm going to offer moral support. Probably in the form of cake.

Lesley x

*ok, a little ego-centric I admit. For the record, taxi driver from Heathrow pulled over for driving in bus and taxi lane on M4 - a licensed black taxi but not a licensed black taxi-cab so apparently a no-no. And then fare-dodgers on train refusing to get off and so we all wait whilst driver calls the police. Was very torn between trying to be sympathetic with police and train driver just trying to get on and do their jobs as best they can and minding more that these minor rule infringements (one of which I agreed with anyway) and their entailing bureaucracy were potentially buggering up my evening. Who'd be a woolly minded liberal, eh?!

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